
4 Reasons Mold is Common in the Summer

Though we’re fast approaching the winter season, next summer isn’t far away. That’s why you should know what to do so you can combat summer mold growth. Summer mold growth has many causes. If your home has mold, you need an experienced mold removal company to help. 

Why Mold Loves the Summer Season

Mold thrives in damp and humid environments, making the summer the perfect time for mold growth. Though mold does grow in the winter, too, here are the main reasons why it’s so common during the summer months: 

1. Higher Rates of Humidity

The temperatures are warmer during the summer months. When warm outdoor air meets cool indoor air, it leads to condensation. If that condensation sits for too long, it creates a hotspot for mold growth. 

Furthermore, your air conditioner may leak, leaving pocks of moisture, which also result in mold growth. 

2. Insufficient Ventilation

Another culprit of mold growth is insufficient ventilation inside the home. Without proper ventilation, your home is hotter. When it’s hotter, the easier it is for mold to grow if the other conditions for growth are met. 

When mold grows, expect to find it on your walls, ceiling tiles, and floorboards. This is why it’s critical to clean out your home’s HVAC system every 3-5 years to avoid a buildup or damage. Otherwise, this could lead to unwanted mold growth. 

3. Rain Showers and Storms

It tends to rain more during the summer months. Not only does this lead to mold on the outside of your house, such as on your vinyl siding and roof, but it leads to mold inside as well. 

Rain causes mold growth in several ways. First, mold can grow around your windows and doorways if they aren’t properly sealed. Primarily, though, you can expect mold growth if a rainstorm turns into a water leak.

If your roofing tiles are already damaged, it makes it easier for a water leak to occur. Depending on the severity of the leak, you could be facing mold growth in as little as 24 hours. 

Likewise, if a storm is severe enough, a flood could occur, resulting in major damage. So, on top of mold removal, you’ll need water mitigation services, as well. 

4. Messy Houses

This entry may seem a bit weird, but hear us out. Unlike the winter, when you spend more time inside, you may be out and about during the summer months. As such, you may leave messes for the next day so you can enjoy the sunshine. 

Unfortunately, by leaving wet or dirty clothes on the floor or food remains around, you’re creating environments for mold to grow. Don’t wait to wipe away soap scum or excess water from your shower. Likewise, don’t leave the windows open to air dry your clothes. All of these things lead to mold growth, but they’re all perfectly avoidable. 

Types of Mold That Are Common During the Summer (And How a Mold Removal Expert Can Help)

There are hundreds upon hundreds of species of mold. However, you won’t encounter all of them inside your house. These are the most common types of mold growth you can find over the summer: 

  • Stachybotrys
  • Aspergillus
  • Acremonium
  • Alternaria
  • Trichoderma

When you hire a mold removal expert, you’re getting someone who knows how to treat each kind of mold. This way you’re treating mold at the source, not just putting a bandaid on it. 

Signs of Mold Growth

Do you think your home has mold? Look out for a foul odor when you step into a room, wet spots on the wood, or dark spots on surfaces. These are the most common signs of mold growth. 

However, you should also be cognizant of physical symptoms as well. Mold may trigger symptoms such as: 

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Skin irritation/rashes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Congestion
  • Headaches

Unfortunately, these symptoms mimic many common ailments. The easiest way to determine whether it’s mold or a regular cold is to see when your symptoms flare up. If you feel fine outside the home but start coughing inside, chances are it’s mold. 

Does Your Portland Home Have Mold? You Can Combat It with Top-Rated Mold Removal Services from PNW Restoration

No one wants to deal with mold, let alone homeowners. Instead of dealing with mold, you should be out enjoying our beautiful city. 

The mold removal team from PNW Restoration is here to help you treat existing mold growth and combat it in the future. We have years of experience treating all sorts of mold, even those that are in hard-to-reach areas of your home. 

Call us today at (971) 247-3470 to schedule a mold removal appointment. Aside from Portland, we also service those living in Aloha, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, and West Linn, OR. 


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