
5 Tips for Successful Mold Removal for New Homeowners

As long as there’s moisture in the air, mold will be a constant companion. Basically, there is no escaping the possibility of mold growth in your home. Here are some tips for successful mold removal for new homeowners.

However, if you take some precautions, you can keep mold away. If not, there are a couple of steps you can take to banish mold from your household. After all, whether mold forms as black gunk or white powdery spots, you’ll need to tackle it as soon as possible.

Not only is it a health hazard, but if left unchecked they also spread and feed of fabric, wood, or any other organic surface.

Keep on reading for our top five tips on successful mold removal, as well as recognizing when it might be time to call the professionals.

What’s Mold and Why Is It Problematic?

Before we take a deep dive into some successful mold removal tips, let’s talk about what type of organism we’re dealing with here.

Mold is a type of fungi. As it were, there are numerous types of fungi, with some species being rather delicious (mushrooms) and others that are heavily beneficial when it comes to modern medicine (penicillin).

Unfortunately, there are also harmful types of fungi, and primary among them is mold.

When found in huge quantities, mold can cause a plethora of respiratory issues, as well as trigger allergic reactions. In addition, if left to spread, it can cause critical damage to the integrity of your house’s structure and foundations.

When to Call in Mold Removal Contractors

In some cases, trying to tackle mold removal on your own might be unwise.

As it stands, there are some molds that are highly toxic in nature. In addition, if the mold you’ve discovered in your home covers 10+ square feet in surface area, then it’s a job better left to the mold removal professionals.

When it comes to removing huge quantities of mold, professional contractors will have to use large amounts of heavy-duty chemicals as well as follow the proper disposal protocols when it comes to removing infested materials.

Mold Removal 101: How to Get Rid of Mold at Home

Now that we have a better understanding of what mold actually is, it’s time to delve into the main steps you can take to remove mold from your household.

Let’s start by getting you the right mold removal tools and learning more about successful mold removal tips.

1. Use the Right Products

So you’ve found a patch of mold. The next step would be figuring out what materials to use to get rid of the mold, as well as properly disinfect the area.

However, keep in mind that the following materials should never be mixed with ammonia to prevent toxic fumes from forming. In addition, please make sure you check out the instructions and warning labels of every product you use.

Chlorine Bleach

As a household staple, chlorine bleach has a high concentration of sodium hypochlorite. This chemical is great at destroying mold particles, in addition to wiping away any discoloration.

Yet, make sure to dilute it in a water solution before use. Chlorine bleach is a rather harsh chemical, thus, it’s preferable to wear gloves as well.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This chemical is also a household staple, with the perk of being a bit milder than chlorine bleach.

You can create a hydrogen peroxide solution by diluting a 3% (up to 10%) hydrogen peroxide solution with water. Then, use it to remove mold and clean up stains.

However, since hydrogen peroxide is less harsh than chlorine bleach, it’ll take a bit longer to work. Yet, it’s safer for common use and won’t produce toxic fumes or leave behind a residue.

2. Eliminate Excess Moisture

It’s critical to remove any excess moisture in the air, as well as on surfaces to prevent mold from forming in the first place.

In case of excess moisture in the air, you can use a humidifier to keep your air humidity below 30%. This will prevent mold spores from finding a welcoming environment to grow and spread.

Furthermore, check your pipes and other plumbing structures for any hidden leaks. These leaks can also create the perfect breeding grounds for mold and mildew.

3. Use an Antimicrobial Spray

After removing the mold and ensuring that there’s no excess moisture for any surviving mold spores to grow, you’ll have to use an antimicrobial spray to keep the area clean.

You can do so by waiting for the room to completely dry up. Afterward, spray the antimicrobial treatment to prevent the mold from coming back. In cases of huge areas or basements, you can fog the entire room.

4. Vacuum Your Wooden Surfaces

If mold made it to your wooden furniture or other surfaces, you can clean them up by vacuuming any loose spores with the soft brush attachment.

Moreover, if you’re dealing with a small cabinet with many nooks and grooves, you can use a small cloth dipped in dishwasher detergent mixed with water to slowly clean any problematic areas.

Next, you can dry your wood surfaces with a fan to prevent any moisture from ruining your furniture.

In addition, make sure to clean these surfaces outside your house, if possible. This way, you won’t accidentally blast mold spores all over your home.

5. Brush Your Painted Walls With a Cleaning Solution

Regrettably, mold can easily spread on walls, specifically in the corners. This effect can be exaggerated if the room has poor ventilation.

Yet, you can remove mold from your painted walls by using one of the cleaning solutions we’ve discussed earlier.

Start by mixing a 3/4 cup of chlorine bleach (or hydrogen peroxide) with a gallon of water. Afterward, apply the solution with a soft scrub brush.

You can let the solution settle for 15 minutes before rinsing the area with clean water. Then, use a fan to dry the spot.

This should deal with a small mold problem. However, if another mold stain appears, then it might be better for you to call in mold removal contractors to deal with the issue.

Ready to Tackle Your Mold Problem?

Mold removal is not a task for the faint of heart. However, as a new homeowner, you’ll find out that it’s a regular part of a house’s upkeep and maintenance.

Hopefully, our five main tips on how to remove mold and mold stains have given you a better idea of how to do so yourself.

Yet, that was merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mold removal. You can learn more about how mold affects people by checking out our blog for more information.

In addition, if you want to schedule an appointment, or have any questions about the mold removal process, you can easily contact us, and we’ll take care of the problem.


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