When the basement begins to leak it’s time for major repair and restoration work by water restoration company professionals.
Have you noticed anything off or wrong in your basement or around your house?
Do you notice an odd smell or stains? These are some of the things that may be caused by excess water in your home. You also may already know that you have damage from floods, but don’t know where to start.
Sometimes damage occurs, and it can take a trained eye to notice what may be the cause. We want to share 6 signs you should hire a water restoration company so that you know when it is time to hire a professional.
Dampness is a signature sign of excess water in your home. If you are able to walk into a room or the basement, and can physically tell that there has been a change in the air dampness, or you notice paper becoming wrinkly, it may be time to look into a professional to avoid the need for fixing water damage.
There are a number of places that dampness can occur in your home. Check out a list of common locations for dampness, such as basements, bathrooms, or near windows.
Presence of Mold
Mold is a clear indication that there is enough water in the environment to develop growth. There are a number of mold species that can be difficult for humans and pets.
If you are finding mold in the corners of your bathrooms or basements, you will definitely want to contact us for some mold removal options. for more information on the types of mold, check out this page
Mold can be unsightly, damaging, and dangerous.
Rust is caused by of oxidation of iron and related metals. This process occurs when iron reacts with both oxygen and water.
If you are noticing rust on hinges, or on any other pieces of iron-related metals in your home, you can expect there to be upcoming water restoration costs if you don’t act on it.
Staining can occur in woods, carpets, and other materials that remain in a space for a duration of time. If you are noticing staining, there may be a frequent source of water that leaks in that area.
Various insects thrive in dark, humid environments. Having water that is readily available, or water that pools in your home can lead to an infestation. If you are noticing more bugs than the occasional one, you may want to look for sources of water or dark humid areas that can be attractive to pests.
Damage from Floods or Remaining Water
A major sign that you want water restoration services is standing water, or signs of damage such as stains and rust. It is definitely time to do some homework and look for help with fixing water damage. If you are finding standing pools or puddles of water you can take a look at our options.
The Go-to Water Restoration Company
We have a few articles to help with additional situations that can occur in your home, such as a list of common mold removal mistakes to avoid and other topics to help with your home maintenance
As a water restoration company, we can assist with water extraction, and help you recover from damage from floods. We encourage you to look at the options that can help identify the right water restoration options for you.
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