
How to Remove Mold From Your Home

Regardless of how mold develops, the bottom line is that it can be a pesky thing to deal with. Mold can not only be hazardous to your and your family’s health, but it can trigger allergies and destroy your home’s structure. If you recently discovered mold in your home, your first thought might be to panic. While that’s understandable, we want to assure you that there are several ways you can remove mold from the premises. Here are a few tips regarding mold removal to help you out.

Tips for Before You Get Started

Before you attempt to remove mold, you want to make sure you’re properly dressed. Mold can be toxic to be around and inhale, especially for children and the elderly. If you are attempting to remove mold from your home, you should wear the following protective gear:

  • Face mask
  • Rubber gloves
  • Goggles

Now that we’ve covered that, here are some helpful tips to remove the mold from around the home:

Wash and Scrub the Moldy Surface

This is one of the easiest methods of removing mold. However, keep in mind that the tools you need will vary depending on the kind of surface the mold lives on.

For tiles and windowsills, you’ll want to mix water and laundry detergent and use a scrub brush to get rid of the mold.

For wooden surfaces, like flooring, you’ll want to either use dish soap or diluted vinegar. Though it’s pungent, vinegar is a natural cleaner, so it’s always recommended to keep a bottle (or two) in your cabinet in case of an emergency like this.

Remember, if you’re trying to clean up mold, you can always use a cleaner that contains mold-killing ingredients like bleach to help speed up the job. Another thing: don’t forget to thoroughly dry these areas with a rag after you spray them.

Make Your Own Natural Mold Cleaner

If you don’t want to use a store-bought cleaner that has chemicals, no worries; you can make your own with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Be sure to wear your rubber gloves while handling these items:

  • Undiluted vinegar – Works great on hard surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Bleach solution – Be sure to dilute the bleach by adding one cup of bleach into a gallon of water. Just apply this to a surface and don’t rinse it.
  • Ammonia/Water mix – Go 50/50 of each of these and mix them. Put them in a spray bottle, spray a surface, let sit for two or three hours, then rinse.

Just a word of warning: Don’t mix bleach and ammonia or with other all-purpose cleaners. This will create fumes that are toxic and very dangerous.

The methods mentioned above are just a few of the most common ways you can remove mold from your home. However, whichever method you choose, it’s important to keep your home’s humidity level to a minimum. Mold thrives in humid environments, so leave a fan or air conditioner on while you disinfect to prevent humidity from circulating throughout the house. You can also buy a dehumidifier and let it run in the affected room to keep everything dry.

How to Clean Up After Mold Removal

After you have cleaned mold there are two very important things you need to do immediately. The first is to dispose of any rags or sponges you may have used; place them inside a sealed trash bag. This keeps the inside of your house sanitary. The second thing is to immediately wash your clothes in a separate load from everything else using hot water. This will not only get your clothes clean, but will also kill any mold that may have ended up on your clothes in the process.

Call a Mold Removal Company for Help

While the above methods can work for small areas, sometimes the larger, hard-to-reach spots are better left to the experts who have the tools and resources necessary to remedy the damage. Depending on the location of the mold, it is sometimes only noticed after it’s already spread or caused a lot of damage. This is true for attics, closets, and basements that may not be inspected or visited regularly.

In situations like this, it’s best to call in the experts for assistance.

Are You Ready to Tackle Mold? Call the Pros at PNW Restoration to Get Started!

At PNW Restoration, our team of specialists is trained in the latest mold removal methods. We understand how challenging it can be to deal with mold yourself, especially if it’s already grown to be a huge problem. At PNW Restoration, removing mold is what we do best. Give us a call today at 971-247-3661 to speak to one of our technicians and schedule an appointment.

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