Water damage is an unwanted guest wherever it occurs on your property. Both commercial and residential properties can become the victims of dangerous and destructive basement water damage issues. These problems can have drastic consequences at any time of the year, but during the winter months, basement water damage can be even more destructive. When basement water damage happens, professional remediation and restoration services are often necessary. With proper intervention, the numerous issues that might otherwise follow water damage problems can often be avoided or alleviated.
Learning the ins and outs of water damage in a basement, whether it’s in a residential or commercial setting, can help you prepare. First, it’s important to learn the most common causes of water damage in basements. We will also learn why basement water damage is so dangerous and presents so many possible hazards. Then we will focus on the winter months, which bring unique water damage issues for basements across the country.
Of course, issues like contamination due to flooding and water damage in basements are also important to understand. Many different types of water contamination pose elevated threat levels. Knowing when to ask for help and what you can do to prevent water damage issues is also critical. Finally, you can learn about the process our professionals at PNW Restoration use for basement water removal and restoration. This includes a variety of measures, protocols, equipment, solutions, and options to prevent basement water damage from recurring.
When it comes to basement water damage at any time of the year, it’s best to be prepared with knowledge and resources you can trust. That’s where PNW Restoration comes in. We employ the latest technology, equipment, and training. We also adhere to OSHA guidelines and regulations to ensure we provide the highest quality of care for our clients. When it comes to basement water damage restoration and remediation services you can rely on, trust PNW Restoration!
Causes of Water Damage in Your Basement
Many possible factors can lead to water damage and accumulation in your basement. During the winter months, there are several situations that can pose a severe risk of water damage in your home. If you notice any of these initial warning signs of water damage that could lead to a more significant issue soon, it is best to seek help from basement water damage professionals near you ASAP!
Recent Weather Patterns
The first possible cause of water damage in your basement is recent weather patterns. During all months of the year, any type of weather can have a major effect on your basement’s humidity and moisture levels. After severe flooding and heavy rainfall, for instance, basement flooding is common. This is especially true in low-lying or flood-prone areas. Older homes are also more susceptible to flooding and water accumulation in their basements.
In general, basements are the first area of a home to flood because of their proximity to the ground level and water tables. As a result, it’s wise to prepare ahead of time when heavy rainfall is predicted. Waterproofing, for instance, is a measure homeowners can take to alleviate the chances of flooding in their basements. If your home has a history of water accumulation issues in the basement, it’s even more important to be prepared when heavy rainfall, flooding, or extreme weather might strike.
Poor Structural Designs & Foundational Integrity
Another common cause of basement water damage is poor structural design or foundational integrity problems. When your home’s foundation is designed poorly, it makes it easy for excess runoff to seep into the foundation of your home. This can cause severe water damage concerns, such as weak and faulty foundations that might shift, collapse, or cave in at any point. In some cases, the damage can be so severe that your entire home is deemed unsafe to enter and will need to be repaired from the foundation up. This can end up costing homeowners hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, as well as put them in peril.
Improper Window and Basement Seals
An additional cause of basement water damage is related to improper window and basement sealants. Older or unfinished basements can be especially vulnerable since they do not have the right sealants in place to help waterproof the structure. Similarly, older or improperly sealed windows can let water trickle in and leak year-round. Over time, this can cause a good deal of water to build up in between window frames, in walls, on floors, and elsewhere in your basement spaces.
As a result, more significant water damage can occur. During the winter months, ice can form in between windows, melting to cause pooling, mold growth, and bulging surfaces in your house. Making sure to invest in reliable, durable, and properly sealed windows is one step you can take to stop basement water damage in its tracks. Furthermore, looking into a professional basement waterproofing service is a wise choice to alleviate the chances of leaking in your basement space.
Malfunctioning Sump Pumps
The fourth most common factor of basement water damage is sump pump or other water pump failures. This is especially common with older pumps or pumps that might not be able to keep up in extreme weather conditions. If your pump has not had an annual inspection in the past few years, it is wise to contact a basement water damage professional. They can inspect the pump and let you know if parts need replacing.
Plumbing, Sewer, and Other Pipe Issues
Finally, any type of plumbing problem can lead to water damage in your basement. From sewer overflows and leaks to pipes bursting, leaking, or simply corroding over time, plumbing issues are a leading cause of basement water damage. In older homes especially, it is important to stay on top of annual plumbing inspections since older pipelines can corrode over time. In colder weather, other issues such as burst pipes can cause severe water damage very quickly. Being prepared for the worst is one of the best ways to avoid problems in the first place.
Basement Water Damage in the Winter Months
During the winter months, there are also a few other causes and factors to consider. For instance, snow melts during the winter months, and patterns of freezing and thawing can cause significant water damage. Your basement is warm and cozy compared to the snowy exterior. Therefore, as your basement radiates heat outward, hydrostatic pressure builds in tandem with gravity’s pull, forcing water inside your home. As the soil around your basement warms and melts, it creates a pocket of moisture that can easily seep inside your basement. This is especially common in older homes or homes without waterproofing measures in place. However, any property can easily suffer the consequences of winter weather.
These natural heating and cooling patterns can’t be changed. However, there are measures you can take to stop winter basement water damage. First, investing in basement waterproofing services can help stop water from leaking into your home during the thawing cycle. Second, reporting water damage as it occurs is a wise choice. Professionals can then inspect your basement space to assess whether there are deeper issues that need addressing to prevent future winter basement water damage problems.
Finally, you can check windows, plumbing systems, and other areas that might contribute to basement water damage due to thawing. For instance, burst pipes due to water that freezes in extreme cold and then thaws are a leading winter water damage issue. Ensuring your pipes don’t freeze by keeping your home’s temperature above freezing and leaving a steady trickle of water flowing in extreme cold can stop your pipes from freezing.
Dangers of Water Damage in Your Basement
There are many common dangers associated with water damage in your basement. Some of the most common include standing water, water/microbial contamination, structural property damage, and health risks.
The health risks associated with water damage can be numerous, especially if mold grows in the area. From pathogenic and toxigenic mold spores to microbial contaminants in standing water, millions of bacteria and viruses can pose health hazards from water damage. When you come into contact with any form of water damage on your property, it is best to seek medical attention if you notice symptoms of illness.
Furthermore, issues such as standing water are problematic because they can ruin surfaces in your home. They can even come into contact with exposed electrical systems, which creates an electrocution hazard. Finally, structural damage is a major concern. If your home’s foundation or major support structures undergo enough water damage, severe rot, mold, mildew, and decay can occur.
As a result, your home might be unsafe to enter. Because of these risks and hazards, it is always best to take water damage seriously and seek counsel from a professional restoration team.
Categorizing Water Contamination
When water damage happens in your basement, a water remediation professional should be contacted as soon as possible to avoid further risks like the spread of contamination. Water contamination can come in different degrees and hazard levels. These are often labeled based on three main categories. Water can contain viruses, bacteria, fecal matter, and other types of waste that lead to microbial contamination. The three main types of microbial contamination are:
- Category One: Category one, or whitewater contamination, is one of the most common types of microbial contamination. Whitewater contamination occurs most commonly when rainwater is brought onto your property. It can also be caused by secure supply line leaks and is rarely life-threatening. However, people with compromised immune systems or pre-existing conditions could still be at a higher risk from category one contaminants. Furthermore, not heeding initial warning signs could cause further problems on your property, even without severe contamination present.
- Category Two: Next is category two water contamination, which is often referred to as greywater contamination. Greywater contamination is caused by water molecules that were exposed to other sources of contamination. Some common examples include washing machine water, dishwater, or even bathwater. In many cases, it is brimming with bacteria and human skin cells which could pose viral or bacteria threats if spread. Therefore, if greywater contamination occurs on your property, it is even more urgent for you to act quickly.
- Category Three: Finally, category three water contamination, also known as blackwater contamination, has the highest risk level. Blackwater contamination should always be reported and treated quickly. Blackwater contamination is caused by toxic and hazardous substances within the water. Some common examples include water contamination caused by toilet overflows, sewage backups, lake or stormwater systems, or a mix of the above types of contaminants.
When You Need Basement Water Damage Remediation Services
Knowing when to seek professional help for your basement water damage problem is important. A large amount of standing water is a major indicator to seek professional help. However, there are also smaller warning signs that you should heed to prevent larger issues down the road. Some of the most common red flags for basement water damage include:
Musty and Mildew Odors
If there are persistent musty or mildew odors on your property, they could indicate hidden basement water damage. Often water damage happens behind the scenes, which means it isn’t detected until warning signs are urgent or other factors occur to make the damage obvious. However, you can stay on top of possible water damage issues by paying attention to persistent musty odors that don’t go away with treatment. If their source is not obvious, then it could be a water damage problem that is hidden such as a leaky pipe that is concealed within a wall.
Mold Growths
Any type of mold growth is usually connected to recent water damage. Mold growth in your home should always be reported to water damage remediation and restoration specialists ASAP.
Bulging or Warped Surfaces in Your Home
If surfaces such as walls, ceilings, and floors are suddenly bulging or appear warped, basement water damage could be the culprit. When water builds up over time, it can cause severe wear and tear on your property. Usually, this is an indicator of water damage or mold growth – or even both. In any case, a professional inspection can help you determine what the issue is and act fast to save you thousands of dollars on more costly repairs in the future.
Plumbing Issues
If you are having persistent plumbing issues on your property such as slowed water flow, leaks, or odd sounds in your faucets, water damage could be present. It is best to hire a plumbing professional to figure out the source of the issues and determine if water damage has occurred.
Visible Water Accumulation
Of course, visible water accumulation of any kind in your home’s basement is a red flag. This usually indicates the need for better sealants in your basement and potential foundation concerns. Call the professionals right away if standing water ever happens in your home’s basement. Furthermore, avoid the area, as electrical and contamination hazards are common in standing water.
Preventative Measures During the Winter Months
Taking measures to prevent basement water damage in your home during the winter months is critical to protect your assets. Here are just some of the measures homeowners should take to alleviate water damage in their homes, especially during the winter:
- Invest in Basement Waterproofing Services
- Look Into a Reliable Sump Pump
- Replace Old Windows
- Have Your Home’s Foundation Inspected
- Report Red Flag of Water Damage ASAP
- Keep Your Home’s Temperature Above Freezing and Leave Water Running When Out of Town
- Shovel Snow Around Windows Regularly
- Keep Up On Plumbing System Maintenance
- Fix Small Problems Quickly Before They Cause Bigger Issues
PNW Basement Water Damage Remediation Services
PNW Restoration’s basement water remediation and restoration services can help when you’re facing water damage. Whether you are dealing with winter water damage or water damage associated with other yearly conditions, we can help.
Our services begin with a detailed inspection to help determine the extent and cause of water damage in your basement. We will also take photos and help document evidence for your insurance company. Then we extract any moisture from your basement, dry out the area with industrial equipment, and begin restoration efforts as needed.
Each situation is unique, but generally we can begin work quickly and finish within a two-week period for minor to medium levels of damage. Severe cases often take a little longer to fully eliminate any degree of water damage in your basement.
After we have remediated damage on your property, we suggest looking into some preventative measures to stop future water damage. First, we recommend annual structural inspections for your property, including plumbing systems, foundational structures, and sump pump systems. These inspections can help detect problems before they escalate.
Second, we strongly recommend replacing old windows and having your basement properly waterproofed. These small actions can have major benefits for your home’s basement space all year long.
Contact PNW for Water Damage Restoration Services
Water damage in your basement can be very problematic. However, you don’t have to live with the dangerous hazards associated with basement water damage. You can stop the damage in its tracks and take preventative measures to avoid larger issues. We are here to help at PNW Restoration with our basement water damage and water extraction services. From minor to severe water contamination concerns to structural damage and so much more, let our professionals help you today. Contact us today to begin your free consultation and inspection process.
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