
Should You Remove Mold From the Outside of Your House?

There are few things worse than finding mold inside your home. It can cause structural damage. It can rot the wood. And it can trigger allergy symptoms. Because of this, you always want to invest in mold removal. However, what about mold on the outside of your home? Does this warrant a Google search for “mold removal Oregon?” Keep reading to find out.

Mold on the Exterior of Your Home is Just as Serious

Mold on the exterior of your Portland home is just as serious as mold found on the inside of your home. However, instead of ruining structures inside the home, exterior mold will damage structures on the outside.

The areas most affected include windows, pipes, and leaks in roofs. While mold is not exclusive to these areas, this is where it is most likely to show up and have a negative effect on your home.

Why Should I Get Rid of Mold?

There are a couple of reasons why you should get rid of mold in your home. First, leaving mold untreated for too long can lead to damage. Mold likes to feed on many of the materials your home is made of. Leaving mold to grow and spread means that you can eventually end up with serious damage to your home. This includes massive structural damage that can cause a fortune to repair.

The other issue is that mold is a health hazard. Being exposed to mold spores can lead to health issues including asthma and respiratory issues, among other illnesses. If you feel like you’ve been coughing for no reason or your eyes feel extra watery, you might want to check to see if mold is growing in your home.

How to Remove Mold from the Outside of Your Home

Removing mold from the outside of your home is a process that requires a professional to handle on your behalf. With that being said, here’s how mold should be removed from the outside of your home.

While removing mold from the inside of your home can be a huge task to undertake and requires multiple steps, mold growing on the outside of your home isn’t quite as involved a process. The fact that the mold is growing on the outside of your home actually provides a little more flexibility in terms of the ease of cleaning it up. Rarely do you have to worry about doing anything drastic like ripping up carpet or removing furniture from the area.

Here’s what has to be done to remove mold from the outside of your home.

Identify the Source of the Mold

First, you have to identify the source of the mold. When it comes to the outside of your home, any place that tends to be moist regularly can usually be a source of mold. This includes pipes, windows, and leaky roofs. Finding the source of the mold not only makes it easier to diagnose the mold but also allows you to stop growth at the source.

Remove the Mold

Next, you go through the process of mold removal. In this case, it would be spraying the mold with an industry-standard mold cleaning solution. Providing a thorough cleaning with the proper equipment ensures that the mold has been cleaned.

Disinfect the Area

After that, you need to disinfect the area. This eliminates leftover mold spores that may have been missed during the cleaning process. It also provides a preventative measure to keep the mold from spreading again. This extra step is what keeps you mold-free for longer.

From here, make sure the area stays dry. You should be able to prevent mold from spreading further. Using preventative measures to prevent mold can help keep your family healthy and your home damage-free. It’s recommended that you let a professional handle the job. They’ll have the equipment and proper cleaners for the job. Furthermore, they have the expertise to properly tackle the job at hand.

Did You Recently Find Mold on the Outside of Your Home? Don’t Delay. Call the Mold Removal Oregon Professionals at PNW Restoration!

As a Portland homeowner, the last thing you want to do is find mold anywhere on your property. But unfortunately, it does happen.

However, just because it’s common doesn’t mean you have to deal with it. Call in the mold removal Oregon professionals at PNW Restoration. We have years of experience treating mold.

With the right tools and cleaners, we’ll rid your home of mold quickly and efficiently. Your home is too much of an investment to fall victim to mold damage. One call to PNW Restoration is all it takes to protect it. Call us today at (971) 247-3470 to book your appointment.


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