
Differences Between Mold and Water Damage

If you have water damage, you also likely have mold. Likewise, if you have mold and don’t know why, you probably suffered water damage at some point. Water and mold damage go together, but why? 

Mold is the product of water damage. Keep reading to learn more about the differences between mold and water damage and how a professional can mitigate them both. 

What is Mold? And How Does it Form? 

Mold is a type of fungi. There are thousands of species of mold. However, only a select few make their way into your home. 

In most cases, mold forms after any sort of water damage. This is because water damage generates moisture. If humidity is also present, mold can grow. In fact, mold grows in as little as 24 hours after water damage. 

When mold develops, it can quickly spread to any area that has ample humidity and moisture. This is why, if you have mold, you should get it controlled quickly.

What is Water Damage? And How Does it Occur? 

“Water damage” is the term used to describe water that is somewhere it shouldn’t be. Likewise, it also describes water that damages your home. 

Unlike mold, water damage doesn’t need the right conditions to occur. Instead, water damage is commonly caused by the following:

  • Severe thunderstorms
  • Floods
  • Burst pipes
  • Broken/malfunctioning appliances
  • Clogged gutters
  • Overflowing bathtubs, sinks, and toilets

Here is a deep dive into the differences between mold and water damage: 

Where the Damage Occurs

If mold develops after water damage, then it’s likely they’ll grow in the same area. However, there are some differences in where damage can occur. 

Water and mold can occur in many areas of your home, both on the inside and outside. The most common areas for water and damage to occur include: 

  • Attic
  • Basement
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Laundry room
  • Bedrooms

This type of damage can also occur in the closets around your house, especially if there are any pipes running behind the drywall. 

The difference is the surface on which the damage occurs. For water damage, your floorboards and ceiling tiles are the most common surfaces affected. Other materials can be affected depending on where the damage occurs. For example, a flood will damage your carpet. A burst pipe may damage your drywall. 

However, unless a leak occurs in a specific area, not everything in your room will be affected by water. The same can’t be said for mold. Mold can grow on any type of surface. This includes paint, drywall, wood, metal, and even tile. Once it starts growing, it’s easy to spread to any type of surface. 

How They’re Treated

The other big difference between the two is how they’re treated. For homes affected by water damage, the water must first be removed. This is done by getting buckets to remove the water. Then, once the majority of the water is gone, a wet-dry vacuum will be used to get rid of the rest. 

After the water is cleared, the drying process will begin. This involves opening up windows to get a cross breeze. A dehumidifier is also used during this stage to absorb moisture in the air. 

There aren’t as many steps in mold remediation. Instead, your tech will come in and analyze what type it is to see which cleaning method will be effective. Then, they’ll treat it at the source and provide tips to prevent it moving forward. 

Another big difference during this process is when the damage is treated. During the water restoration process, mold will be treated last. However, with mold caused by water damage, the damage will have to be addressed first. Otherwise, if just the mold is treated, but not the underlying issue, it won’t be effective in the long run. 

This is not an exhaustive list. However, these are some of the biggest differences between mold and water damage. If you’re suffering from either, don’t delay. Waiting only makes the problem worse. 

Do You Need Mold or Water Damage Restoration? Let the Team at PNW Restoration Help!

Where there’s mold, there’s water damage, and vice versa. If you suffered either mold or water damage, don’t wait. You need help from a professional before it gets worse. 

The staff at PNW Restoration have tons of experience treating mold and water damage. We know what to look for. We also know which restoration method will work best. 

If you’re dealing with mold and water damage, give us a call. Our restoration company can be reached at 971-247-3470. We’re proud to offer these services to the residents of Portland. We also serve those living in Canby, Gresham, Aloha, and West Linn. If your home suffered a severe and sudden flood, we’re available 24/7. 

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