
How Mold Restoration Transforms Damaged Spaces

If your home recently suffered any water damage, you’ll want to have the number of a mold restoration company on hand. Mold grows in as little as 24 hours after water exposure. This quick development of mold can quickly transform your home. To give yourself your best chance of saving your home and everything in it, call a mold restoration

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Mold Removal Services: Ensuring a Healthier Home Environment

Once you’ve made the call to book professional mold removal services, you’ve likely already done everything you can think of to try and treat mold in your home.  Unfortunately, though it’s common, mold is very difficult to treat yourself. Many household cleaners are not designed to treat mold at the source. Instead, these cleaners only treat the surface of the

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Safety First: Navigating Biohazard Cleanup in Business Environments

As the owner of a commercial business property, it’s important to be aware of all types of hidden dangers. While something like water damage can be very tangible and easy to report, other issues, such as biohazardous waste, can be less obvious. As a result, this can put your employees, your guests, and anyone who enters your property at risk.

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Step-by-Step Process of Biohazard Cleanup

Biohazard cleanup is applied to many situations and environments.  For example, it may include picking up and bagging discarded needles and other sharps in a laboratory setting. In different situations, biohazard cleanup requires more sensitivity.  Though the steps in biohazard cleanup may vary a bit, they generally all include safely and legally discarding hazardous materials.  If you’re considering hiring a

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5 Tips for Choosing a Mold Restoration Company in Portland

Did you recently find mold inside your home? If so, don’t panic. A local mold restoration company can help treat the damage and return your home to normal.  But with so many options available on Google, how can you know you’re choosing the right one? Well, don’t stress! Below are five helpful tips for choosing a mold restoration company in

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5 Reasons To Call a Professional for Biohazard Cleanup

Are you dealing with a biohazard? Whether it’s at home or in the workplace, knowing who to call for proper biohazard cleanup is important for the reasons mentioned below.  What Is a Biohazard?  Before we dive into the top reasons to call a professional for proper biohazard cleanup, let’s first discuss what a biohazard is.  A biohazard is any biological

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Does Your Attic Have Water Damage?

Does your attic feel abnormally hot? Is there a foul odor that only emerges when you go upstairs? Though these are common signs of mold, mold only appears after water damage. As a result, if you notice these issues, call a water damage repair company as soon as possible.  Mold and water damage are linked. When water damage occurs, mold

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Common Causes of Basement Water Damage

Unfortunately, water damage is just one of those things that every homeowner will have to deal with. However, knowing how common it is doesn’t negate how challenging it is to resolve. This is why many homeowners hire a professional for basement water removal services.  Below, we cover the most common causes of basement water damage so you can prevent it.

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5 Types of Water Damage Homeowners Face

As a Portland homeowner, you’re likely accustomed to the rain. After all, the city of Portland averages about 42” of rainfall per year. Though rainstorms are likely to result in water damage, they’re not the only cause. In fact, there are several types of water damage homeowners in the greater Portland area face. Here’s an overview of the most common

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Can Mold Grow on Wallpaper?

If you have wallpaper in your home at the same time as mold, you may be wondering if it’ll be affected. And the answer is yes, it will, because mold grows on wallpaper. Treating mold damage in home requires specialized cleaners and knowledge. That’s why you need to hire a professional.  Treating mold damage in home is possible, even if

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