
Common Causes of Mold in the Winter Season

Winter is here. And boy, is it cold outside! While the bitter, cold winter weather gives you enough trouble, did you know that it can also cause mold? Mold is frequently thought of as being a “summer problem,” but it is just as viable during the winter season. Here are the most common causes of mold damage in the winter season:

1. Melting Ice and Snow

Mold occurs after water damage. As such, melting ice and snow can cause mold when it gets in around your windows, doors, and even your roof. Mold from melting snow and ice commonly occurs on the roof. This is because your roof may already be worn down or damaged from previous winter storms. 

You can combat this damage by checking for any lost shingles on your roof and inspecting for leaks in the rafters of your attic. Likewise, dry up wet areas inside your home after tracking in snow or ice. This can prevent mold growth. 

2. Clogged Gutters

Believe it or not, clogged gutters can cause mold growth during the winter season. Gutters are designed to properly drain water from your home outside. However, if gutters are obstructed with leaves, sports balls, or branches, they won’t drain effectively. 

After a winter storm, check your gutters for any fallen tree branches. That way, even if you have snow and ice in your gutter, it can drain the way it’s supposed to after it melts. Gutter obstructions cause the water to flow over the side of the gutter and into the foundation of your house and basement crawl space. 

Since these areas aren’t checked regularly, it gives mold plenty of time to develop. That’s why you need to be proactive. 

3. Holiday Trees

Even though the Christmas season is over, many homeowners leave their holiday trees up well into January and February. While mold can develop on real trees, this mold risk actually applies to artificial ones. Artificial trees that are stored in dusty, humid attics are at risk of developing mold. This is especially true if they’re not stored properly. 

Mold is usually green or black in color, making it hard to see on an artificial Christmas tree. This means that you could be displaying a moldy tree without even realizing it. To prevent mold growth on artificial Christmas trees, properly bag and store them where they can’t collect dust. 

4. Poor Ventilation

While poor ventilation can cause mold growth any time of year, it poses a significant risk during the winter season. Homes that don’t have proper ventilation can keep humidity levels high, which will turn into mold if cold outdoor air mixes with warm interior air and results in condensation. 

5. High Humidity

During the winter season, it’s not uncommon for indoor temperatures to be higher than they are during the spring or fall months. Unfortunately, this means that any untreated water damage can quickly turn into mold if the temperatures are ideal. 

Mold grows in temperatures between 77 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. If your home has untreated water damage, such as in a basement crawl space or attic, it can cause mold to grow. Since heat rises, this is especially true for homes with attics. 

If you want to avoid mold, keep your thermostat in the low 70s, if possible, to slow down mold growth. Furthermore, regularly check your home for water damage and know the signs of mold growth. 

Common Signs of Mold Growth

The best way to get rid of mold is to determine if you have it in the first place. Here are the most common signs of mold growth:

  • Black, green, or white spots on walls, furniture, or tiles
  • A foul, musky odor
  • Warped walls
  • Rooms feel hotter and stuffier than normal 
  • Discoloration on walls, floors, or wooden beams

Mold growth can also have physical symptoms. If anyone in your family experiences the following, it may be a sign of mold growth: 

  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Watery/itchy eyes
  • Skin irritations
  • The onset of headaches or insomnia
  • Congestion
  • Worsening of allergies and respiratory issues
  • Sore throat
  • Unexplained anxiety/depression

Do You Have Mold? Call the Experts at PNW Restoration For Help

Does your home have mold? Don’t treat it alone. At PNW Restoration, we have the tools and resources necessary to remove mold from your home safely and efficiently. If you recently discovered mold damage, our team can help. Call us at 971-247-3470 to schedule an appointment. We also offer 24/7 emergency response services. 

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