Hazmat cleanup is not something you do for minor spills. This cleaning method is needed when a home or business suffers exposure to hazardous materials. These materials include blood, asbestos, or infectious diseases.
Moreover, due to the sensitive nature of these products, you need to hire a professional to conduct hazmat cleanup so they can remove the substance and clean the affected area. They also follow state and federal law and health regulations, as well.
If you need to hire a company for professional hazmat cleanup, here’s what you should expect:
What Exactly is Hazmat Cleanup?
Hazmat cleanup involves removing and remediation of hazardous materials as defined by various U.S. institutions. These institutions include:
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- U.S. Department of Transportation
What is a Biohazard?
A biological hazard, or biohazard for short, is a biological substance that can cause harm to any living organism. However, they can also cause property damage and harm surrounding plant life. Viral threats, bacteria, and fungi are among the most common. These are categorized by their risk level as well as how they are transmitted. Biohazards are a considerable risk. Treating them is crucial to everyone’s well-being. Here are some of the most common biohazards:
- Medical Waste – Relates to anything that a hospital would generally dispose of. This includes human tissue and body parts. It also includes sharp objects like scalpels, needles, and IVs.
- Animal Waste – This includes waste left behind by wild animals on your property.
- Human Blood – Probably the most common of biohazards. Blood can contain infections and diseases that can cause severe issues if you encounter it. Any blood, even from the tiniest of scratches or a nose bleed, can cause something serious if it’s contaminated and you touch it.
- Microbiological Waste – This is often waste you would typically see from a lab. Microbiological waste includes Petri dishes, cultures, and other biological kinds of waste.
- Other Human Bodily Fluids – These non-blood fluids can also be severe if contaminated with something infectious or diseased. Other bodily fluids include saliva, human waste, semen, and vaginal secretions.
When Do You Need A Hazmat Cleanup?
Contrary to popular belief, you can’t wait to clean a biohazard situation. Depending on the case, it might be emotionally challenging to deal with. However, a biohazard scene can also cause severe illness and harm the well-being of you and everyone nearby. You may also need to seek medical attention right away to ensure the biohazard hasn’t caused any harm to your health. If the biohazard comes from a seemingly healthy person, don’t assume it’s safe to clean up yourself. In fact, you can’t determine how dangerous it is just by looking at it. Biohazards are not something you can wipe up with some bleach and a few paper towels. To effectively clean, you also need specialized cleaning solutions.
What Does a Hazmat Cleanup Do?
Above all, a hazmat cleanup comes in and removes all harmful biohazard waste from a designated area, but they will come in and do a thorough deep clean of the site to ensure that it’s disinfected and clean. That’s why hiring a team like PNW Restoration is essential. PNW Restoration can clean up any biohazard scene with proper hazmat cleanup protocols.
A hazmat-protected team will come in and first remove all of the contaminated objects and biological materials. This might include anything from furniture and carpeting that has been affected by the biohazard. Or it can also include whatever might be causing the biohazard, including blood and body parts.
The next step is to decontaminate the area. Bleach is not enough for jobs like this. While it can be good at killing germs, off-the-shelf bleach is not enough to sanitize an area contaminated by a biohazard. PNW Restoration uses a specialized cleaning solution to ensure decontamination.
The next step is to deodorize. Commercial-grade deodorizers eliminate the odor. If they work correctly, none of the bad smells should linger after the fact. Biohazards can also create some less than pleasant smells that you don’t want to have lingering.
Furthermore, less severe cases may only take two days at the most. However, more difficult situations may take up to a week to finish cleaning.
If You Need Hazmat Cleanup, Call PNW Restoration
A hazmat cleanup can be a difficult and sometimes emotional situation to wrap your head around. Therefore, you shouldn’t put yourself at risk by attempting to do it yourself. Please call a professional who can properly clean up the situation.
PNW Restoration has biohazard and hazmat cleaning services for all types of biohazards in focused areas. We can clean up everything from hospitals to crime scenes. We’re available 24/7. Above all, our technicians also follow protocols as recommended by OSHA and the CDC. In conclusion, we can help. Call PNW Restoration at 971-247-3470.
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