
You found mold inside your home. You called a reputable mold remediation Portland Oregon company. But how did the mold get there? Knowing what causes mold is the first step in combating it. 

Here’s an overview of what causes mold:

Common Causes of Mold in Portland Homes

Mold doesn’t just grow on a whim. Instead, it needs the right conditions and environment to develop and spread. 

These conditions include high levels of moisture and humidity. As such, it’s not uncommon to find mold after a roof leak, flood, or other types of water damage

Though these conditions can lead to the development of mold, homeowners need to know how fast this growth happens. In many cases, mold grows in as little as 24 hours after water exposure. So, the longer it sits, the greater the likelihood you’ll develop a mold problem. 

How to Spot Signs of Mold Growth 

Knowing how fast mold grows is only half the battle. You should also know the common signs of it. 

Though there are many species of mold, most household molds have the same signs. Here are the most common signs of mold growth:

  • A foul, musty odor
  • Peeling and/or bubbling wallpaper
  • Peeling paint
  • Discolorations on the wall or wood
  • Dark stains
  • Groupings of black spots 
  • Black streaks
  • Rot

However, these are just the signs of mold around the house. You and your family may also exhibit signs and symptoms of a mold allergy due to prolonged exposure. The physical signs of mold include but aren’t limited to: 

  • Chronic headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Coughing/wheezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Increased anxiety 
  • Skin irritations
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal issues

Furthermore, those living with existing respiratory issues may also experience a worsening of symptoms if surrounded by prolonged mold exposure. 

How to Combat Mold Growth 

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to combat mold growth. For example, you may not be able to stop a flood from occurring. However, there are a few steps you can take to minimize your risk of developing household mold. These include: 

  • Keeping your gutters free of obstructions that force water over the edge and into your basement/foundation
  • Drying your shower and tiled floor after using the bathroom
  • Drying clothes in the dryer instead of leaving them out to dry
  • Maintaining your roof and making prompt repairs
  • Routinely inspecting your basement and attic for signs of mold
  • Being cognizant of high water and energy bills, as these could be signs of water leaks
  • Keeping all doors and windows closed when it rains
  • Cleaning up spills and water leaks immediately

By taking these proactive steps, you can tend to water damage as soon as it happens. In turn, this will minimize your home’s risk of developing mold. 

In addition to taking these steps, you should also have the contact information of a reputable mold remediation Portland Oregon company handy. Because when mold happens, you need a professional to come in and take care of it promptly. 

What Happens During Mold Remediation? 

Mold remediation is the process of identifying and treating mold within the home. There are thousands of species of mold. Even though not all will be present inside your home, you still need a pro to determine which kind your home has. 

After identifying the species of mold and its location, our mold remediation team will use specialized cleaners to treat it. These aren’t the types of cleaners you’ll find at your local grocery store. Instead, these formulas are designed to kill mold at the source. Household cleaners only treat mold at the source, meaning you’re only putting a bandaid on the problem. 

Once the mold is treated, our mold remediation team will thoroughly disinfect the area. Then, we’ll go ahead and treat the items that have been affected. This could be replacing drywall or bagging up and discarding books and paperwork covered in mold. 

Regardless of how severe your mold problem is, you need to tend to it quickly. If left untreated, mold will harm your home, your pets, and your family. If you need mold remediation in Portland, OR, call PNW Restoration. 

Call PNW Restoration for All Your Mold Remediation Portland Oregon Needs!  

Did you recently discover mold inside your home? Don’t face it alone. Let the mold remediation Portland Oregon professionals at PNW Restoration help. 

We have years of experience treating mold. We’ll determine which kind of mold you have and disinfect the area so you can breathe easier. Call us today at (971) 247-3381. Or, if you prefer, you can email us at We’ll set up a mold remediation Portland Oregon appointment. 

Mold is never a fun discovery, but it is common. One call to the pros at PNW Restoration is all it takes to get rid of it. 


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